
Deprecated since version 4.10: Use SortListModel instead

class TreeModelSort(**properties: Any)#

Superclasses: Object

Implemented Interfaces: TreeDragSource, TreeModel, TreeSortable

A GtkTreeModel which makes an underlying tree model sortable

The GtkTreeModelSort is a model which implements the GtkTreeSortable interface. It does not hold any data itself, but rather is created with a child model and proxies its data. It has identical column types to this child model, and the changes in the child are propagated. The primary purpose of this model is to provide a way to sort a different model without modifying it. Note that the sort function used by GtkTreeModelSort is not guaranteed to be stable.

The use of this is best demonstrated through an example. In the following sample code we create two GtkTreeView widgets each with a view of the same data. As the model is wrapped here by a GtkTreeModelSort, the two GtkTreeViews can each sort their view of the data without affecting the other. By contrast, if we simply put the same model in each widget, then sorting the first would sort the second.

Using a#

  GtkTreeView *tree_view1;
  GtkTreeView *tree_view2;
  GtkTreeModel *sort_model1;
  GtkTreeModel *sort_model2;
  GtkTreeModel *child_model;

  // get the child model
  child_model = get_my_model ();

  // Create the first tree
  sort_model1 = gtk_tree_model_sort_new_with_model (child_model);
  tree_view1 = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model (sort_model1);

  // Create the second tree
  sort_model2 = gtk_tree_model_sort_new_with_model (child_model);
  tree_view2 = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model (sort_model2);

  // Now we can sort the two models independently
  gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id (GTK_TREE_SORTABLE (sort_model1),
                                        COLUMN_1, GTK_SORT_ASCENDING);
  gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id (GTK_TREE_SORTABLE (sort_model2),
                                        COLUMN_1, GTK_SORT_DESCENDING);

To demonstrate how to access the underlying child model from the sort model, the next example will be a callback for the GtkTreeSelection GtkTreeSelection::changed signal. In this callback, we get a string from COLUMN_1 of the model. We then modify the string, find the same selected row on the child model, and change the row there.

Accessing the child model of in a selection changed callback#

selection_changed (GtkTreeSelection *selection, gpointer data)
  GtkTreeModel *sort_model = NULL;
  GtkTreeModel *child_model;
  GtkTreeIter sort_iter;
  GtkTreeIter child_iter;
  char *some_data = NULL;
  char *modified_data;

  // Get the current selected row and the model.
  if (! gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selection,

  // Look up the current value on the selected row and get
  // a new value to change it to.
  gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (sort_model), &sort_iter,
                      COLUMN_1, &some_data,

  modified_data = change_the_data (some_data);
  g_free (some_data);

  // Get an iterator on the child model, instead of the sort model.
  gtk_tree_model_sort_convert_iter_to_child_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL_SORT (sort_model),

  // Get the child model and change the value of the row. In this
  // example, the child model is a GtkListStore. It could be any other
  // type of model, though.
  child_model = gtk_tree_model_sort_get_model (GTK_TREE_MODEL_SORT (sort_model));
  gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (child_model), &child_iter,
                      COLUMN_1, &modified_data,
  g_free (modified_data);


class TreeModelSort
classmethod new_with_model(child_model: TreeModel) TreeModelSort#

Creates a new GtkTreeModelSort, with child_model as the child model.


child_model – A GtkTreeModel


class TreeModelSort
clear_cache() None#

This function should almost never be called. It clears the tree_model_sort of any cached iterators that haven’t been reffed with ref_node(). This might be useful if the child model being sorted is static (and doesn’t change often) and there has been a lot of unreffed access to nodes. As a side effect of this function, all unreffed iters will be invalid.

Deprecated since version 4.10: Please do not use it in newly written code

convert_child_iter_to_iter(child_iter: TreeIter) Tuple[bool, TreeIter]#

Sets sort_iter to point to the row in tree_model_sort that corresponds to the row pointed at by child_iter. If sort_iter was not set, False is returned. Note: a boolean is only returned since 2.14.

Deprecated since version 4.10: Please do not use it in newly written code


child_iter – A valid GtkTreeIter pointing to a row on the child model

convert_child_path_to_path(child_path: TreePath) TreePath | None#

Converts child_path to a path relative to tree_model_sort. That is, child_path points to a path in the child model. The returned path will point to the same row in the sorted model. If child_path isn’t a valid path on the child model, then None is returned.

Deprecated since version 4.10: Please do not use it in newly written code


child_path – A GtkTreePath to convert

convert_iter_to_child_iter(sorted_iter: TreeIter) TreeIter#

Sets child_iter to point to the row pointed to by sorted_iter.

Deprecated since version 4.10: Please do not use it in newly written code


sorted_iter – A valid GtkTreeIter pointing to a row on tree_model_sort.

convert_path_to_child_path(sorted_path: TreePath) TreePath | None#

Converts sorted_path to a path on the child model of tree_model_sort. That is, sorted_path points to a location in tree_model_sort. The returned path will point to the same location in the model not being sorted. If sorted_path does not point to a location in the child model, None is returned.

Deprecated since version 4.10: Please do not use it in newly written code


sorted_path – A GtkTreePath to convert

get_model() TreeModel#

Returns the model the GtkTreeModelSort is sorting.

iter_is_valid(iter: TreeIter) bool#
This function is slow. Only use it for debugging and/or testing


Checks if the given iter is a valid iter for this GtkTreeModelSort.

Deprecated since version 4.10: Please do not use it in newly written code


iter – A GtkTreeIter

reset_default_sort_func() None#

This resets the default sort function to be in the “unsorted” state. That is, it is in the same order as the child model. It will re-sort the model to be in the same order as the child model only if the GtkTreeModelSort is in “unsorted” state.

Deprecated since version 4.10: Please do not use it in newly written code


class TreeModelSort
props.model: TreeModel#

The type of the None singleton.


class TreeModelSort