
Deprecated since version 4.10:

List views use widgets to display their contents.

You should use Inscription or Label instead

class CellRendererText(**properties: Any)#

Superclasses: CellRenderer, InitiallyUnowned, Object

Subclasses: CellRendererAccel, CellRendererCombo, CellRendererSpin

Renders text in a cell

A GtkCellRendererText renders a given text in its cell, using the font, color and style information provided by its properties. The text will be ellipsized if it is too long and the GtkCellRendererText:ellipsize property allows it.

If the GtkCellRenderer:mode is EDITABLE, the GtkCellRendererText allows to edit its text using an entry.


class CellRendererText
classmethod new() CellRenderer#

Creates a new GtkCellRendererText. Adjust how text is drawn using object properties. Object properties can be set globally (with set()). Also, with GtkTreeViewColumn, you can bind a property to a value in a GtkTreeModel. For example, you can bind the “text” property on the cell renderer to a string value in the model, thus rendering a different string in each row of the GtkTreeView.

Deprecated since version 4.10: Please do not use it in newly written code


class CellRendererText
do_edited(self, path: str, new_text: str) None#
  • path

  • new_text

set_fixed_height_from_font(number_of_rows: int) None#

Sets the height of a renderer to explicitly be determined by the “font” and “y_pad” property set on it. Further changes in these properties do not affect the height, so they must be accompanied by a subsequent call to this function. Using this function is inflexible, and should really only be used if calculating the size of a cell is too slow (ie, a massive number of cells displayed). If number_of_rows is -1, then the fixed height is unset, and the height is determined by the properties again.

Deprecated since version 4.10: Please do not use it in newly written code


number_of_rows – Number of rows of text each cell renderer is allocated, or -1


class CellRendererText
props.align_set: bool#

The type of the None singleton.

props.alignment: Alignment#

The type of the None singleton.

props.attributes: AttrList#

The type of the None singleton.

props.background: str#

The type of the None singleton.

props.background_rgba: RGBA#

The type of the None singleton.

props.background_set: bool#

The type of the None singleton.

props.editable: bool#

The type of the None singleton.

props.editable_set: bool#

The type of the None singleton.

props.ellipsize: EllipsizeMode#

The type of the None singleton.

props.ellipsize_set: bool#

The type of the None singleton.

props.family: str#

The type of the None singleton.

props.family_set: bool#

The type of the None singleton.

props.font: str#

The type of the None singleton.

props.font_desc: FontDescription#

The type of the None singleton.

props.foreground: str#

The type of the None singleton.

props.foreground_rgba: RGBA#

The type of the None singleton.

props.foreground_set: bool#

The type of the None singleton.

props.language: str#

The type of the None singleton.

props.language_set: bool#

The type of the None singleton.

props.markup: str#

The type of the None singleton.

props.max_width_chars: int#

The type of the None singleton.

props.placeholder_text: str#

The type of the None singleton.

props.rise: int#

The type of the None singleton.

props.rise_set: bool#

The type of the None singleton.

props.scale: float#

The type of the None singleton.

props.scale_set: bool#

The type of the None singleton.

props.single_paragraph_mode: bool#

The type of the None singleton.

props.size: int#

The type of the None singleton.

props.size_points: float#

The type of the None singleton.

props.size_set: bool#

The type of the None singleton.

props.stretch: Stretch#

The type of the None singleton.

props.stretch_set: bool#

The type of the None singleton.

props.strikethrough: bool#

The type of the None singleton.

props.strikethrough_set: bool#

The type of the None singleton.

props.style: Style#

The type of the None singleton.

props.style_set: bool#

The type of the None singleton.

props.text: str#

The type of the None singleton.

props.underline: Underline#

The type of the None singleton.

props.underline_set: bool#

The type of the None singleton.

props.variant: Variant#

The type of the None singleton.

props.variant_set: bool#

The type of the None singleton.

props.weight: int#

The type of the None singleton.

props.weight_set: bool#

The type of the None singleton.

props.width_chars: int#

The type of the None singleton.

props.wrap_mode: WrapMode#

The type of the None singleton.

props.wrap_width: int#

The type of the None singleton.


class CellRendererText.signals
edited(path: str, new_text: str) None#

The type of the None singleton.

  • path – the path identifying the edited cell

  • new_text – the new text

Virtual Methods#

class CellRendererText
do_edited(path: str, new_text: str) None#

The type of the None singleton.

  • path

  • new_text


class CellRendererText